How to Find The Best Real Estate Agent

Whether you are a newly licensed real estate agent or an experienced professional looking for new opportunities, working for a real estate agent can help you reach a large clientele and help you succeed in your real estate career. Most cities and communities have a large number of nationally recognized real estate agents and locally regulated real estate companies.


Find a real estate agent to work for by researching your options and talking to different companies before choosing one that will give you the opportunities you need to advance your career.


Research a Real Estate Agent's Reputation


Get a comprehensive list of real estate agents by doing an online search or checking your local community directory. This will be the starting point from which you can narrow your agent search.


Find out who is hiring new agents by calling, stopping by their office, or visiting their website. Agents are generally looking for new agents and will be happy to talk to you.


How To Find A Good Real Estate Agent For Buyers | Bankrate


Research real estate agents in your area from a consumer perspective. Pay attention to the companies you would pay attention to if you were looking for an agent as a seller or buyer. It may be helpful to imagine yourself coming from out of town and looking for a home.


Pay attention to billboards, advertisements, open houses, and social media presence. Evaluate the level of professionalism in each form of advertising.


Also drive by the agent’s office. Make sure it is conveniently located and has enough parking for your clients. Check that the exterior is nice enough that you would want to take your clients there.


Do an online search for different agents in your area. A successful agent will have an attractive website, be active on sites like Facebook and Twitter, and have good reviews and testimonials on sites like Yelp.


An online real estate listing site will help you determine which agents in your area handle the most listings (and do the most business). One advantage of joining a large real estate agency, at least early in your career, is that you immediately gain the agency’s credibility and trustworthiness.


Talk to real estate agents in your area. Find out what the most popular firms are and why. If you have completed your real estate education locally, you can also ask experts at your school for agent recommendations.


How to Find a Great Real Estate Agent: 11 Tips From a Realtor


Consider real estate agents who operate through a virtual office. There are many brokerages that don’t have a storefront, allowing you to meet clients in public places like coffee shops or your home. This can be a good option if you want to work from home, but commissions are often lower. Look for ones that offer benefits like online training and easily accessible mentors.


Talk to other professionals who work with real estate agents. These professionals can include mortgage providers, appraisers, home inspectors, and attorneys, among others. If possible, get a referral from the real estate agents they like to work with.


Check out the National Association of Realtors. Their website has resources for new agents as well as information and statistics about real estate agents across the country. The U.S. Department of Labor also offers tips on choosing an agent on their website.


Research the Business Practices of a Real Estate Agent


Schedule interviews with agents you are interested in. Most agents would be happy to have the opportunity to speak with a potential new agent. Call their local office and schedule an interview to get started. Read the rest of this section in advance and prepare a mental (or physical) list of questions for your interviewer. Know what answers you prioritize for your questions.


Find out what, if any, step-by-step training programs are offered with different agents. If you are just starting out, you will benefit from having an agent help you establish your career. A good instructor can give you specific tips for areas you will not learn during the licensing process.


Look for training programs or seminars that are offered or encouraged. Some brokers will even help you pass your real estate exam to get your license if you sign a contract with them while you are training to become a broker.


Research how many agents work with each agent, how long they have been with them, and what their experience level and area of ​​expertise are. If multiple agents have worked with a single agent for a long time, it is a good sign that the agent treats their agents fairly. You can usually find this information on the agent’s website.


Ask the agents you may work with what they expect in terms of schedules. You may be required to work certain hours in the office or attend open houses and other events. Knowing what the agent expects will help you match your expectations and preferred work style with the agent.


How to Choose the Right Real Estate Agent | Zillow


Discuss commissions. Most agents split commissions 50-50 with their agents. You will also need to know who pays for licensing, marketing materials, and benefits such as health insurance. The level of control a broker typically has over these will typically be similar to the level of control they have over your sales process.


Determine how referrals and opportunities are handled. You’ll want to know if agents will be assigned leads specifically, or if you’ll have to find your own. Some brokers, especially larger ones, offer other lead generation and services to agents. This can be invaluable if you’re in a new area or just starting out.


Evaluate the technology available. Some brokers require their agents to provide their own laptops, cell phones, and other devices. Other brokers may provide access to computers, photocopiers, fax machines, and even iPads or tablets. Factor this cost into your real estate startup costs.




  • Remember that most real estate agents, even if they are affiliated with a brokerage, are essentially self-employed. You will need to manage your own clients and schedule, and understand all the requirements of any real estate transaction.


  • Look for agents who are hiring by paying attention to job postings, advertisements, and recruiting events that may take place at community colleges and other locations.


  • Generally, an agent who offers more services (training, office space, administrative assistance) will also seek to keep a higher commission rate. Keep this in mind when choosing an agent.