The Rise of Invisible Aligners for Straightening Teeth

For decades, traditional metal braces have been the go-to option for straightening crooked or misaligned teeth. While effective, they often come with drawbacks like discomfort, restrictions in food choices, and the obvious aesthetic disadvantage of having visible wires and brackets attached to teeth.

In more recent years, clear aligners that are virtually invisible when worn have emerged as a new preferred treatment for minor to moderate orthodontic issues. Also known as invisible aligners or clear aligners, these removable tooth positioners work similarly to braces but avoid many of the downsides.

In this article, we will explore the growing popularity of invisible aligners as an alternative to braces, how they work, who are the best candidates, and what to expect from treatment.

What are Invisible Aligners?

Invisible aligners are thin, clear, removable plastic molds that are custom-made to straighten teeth without braces or wires showing. The most popular brand currently on the market is Invisalign, but other similar products are also available like Align, SmileDirectClub, and ClearCorrect.

Each aligner is constructed of comfortable BPA-free plastic similar to a mouthguard or retainer. They are meticulously designed based on digital scans or impressions of the teeth in their current position as well as a planned final position weeks or months down the line.

Transform Your Smile: Progress Tracking with Invisible Aligners

Patients are prescribed a scheduled series of aligners to wear for approximately two weeks each before changing to the next in the series. As teeth are gently moved into place, the aligners help hold them there and guide the way to the final tooth arrangement.

How Do They Work?

A qualified orthodontist or dentist first thoroughly examines the bite and alignment through x-rays, photos, and digital scans or traditional impressions. From this, they determine if someone is a good candidate for treatment with aligners alone.

Using advanced 3D computer imaging software, clinicians can simulate the orthodontic process and identify small step-by-step movements needed to gradually straighten teeth into their ideal positions.

Each aligner is custom-manufactured to be slightly tighter than the previous one to apply light continuous forces on teeth in the desired direction. Wearers change to a new aligner every 1-2 weeks as needed to maintain pressure.

As teeth shift and move during this time, the progression of aligners work synergistically to close gaps, correct bites, expand arches, and achieve an aesthetically pleasing smile in the planned treatment timeframe, which usually takes 9-15 months.

Who Are the Ideal Candidates?

In general, good candidates have mild to moderate alignment issues with straighter bites and space availability for tooth movements. Invisible aligners alone work well for:

  • Minor crowding or spacing of a few millimeters
  • Shifting a canine or premolar up to 4mm out of line
  • Addressing minor rotations and tilts
  • Maintaining changes from prior orthodontic work
  • Subtle enhancement of the smile

Major bite issues requiring orthognathic surgery or wide gaps would require traditional braces as aligners provide limited force. Very severe crooked teeth may also be best with braces to avoid multiple rounds of aligners.

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Benefits of Invisible Aligners

The obvious advantage is avoiding the self-consciousness of having visible metal braces during treatment. This allows for discretion when wearing aligners for:

  • Work meetings and presentations
  • Social events and dates
  • Performance activities like playing sports or instruments

Other key benefits include:

  • Ease of removal for eating, brushing, flossing and switching aligners
  • Less risk of cavities, gum disease or other dental issues
  • More comfortable as no wires or brackets irritate cheeks and lips
  • No need for monthly tightening of wires by orthodontists
  • Can still swallow and speak normally while wearing them

Overall Treatment Process

Once determined a good candidate, the full aligner treatment involves several steps:

  1. Initial Exam and Records: Clinicians review prior x-rays and photos or take new ones for impressions.

  2. Treatment Planning: Using digital imaging software, the clinician simulates tooth movements and plans the sequence of aligners.

  3. Manufacturing Aligners: Impressions, x-rays and virtual plans are sent to the manufacturer to custom produce each aligner.

  4. Aligner Delivery: The series of aligners arrive for treatment to commence. This often takes 2-4 weeks after initial appointment.

  5. Wearing Aligners: Patients change to the next aligner set every 1-2 weeks based on treatment plan.

  6. Checkups: Follow-up visits occur every 6-8 weeks to track progress and make adjustments if needed.

  7. Retention: After active treatment, additional aligners or a retainer are worn long-term to maintain ideal tooth positioning.

Cost Compared to Braces

Aligner treatment averages $3,500-$8,000 all inclusive depending on the complexity of the case. More complicated interventions requiring additional aligners tend to be on the higher end of pricing.

Compared to traditional braces costing around $5,000-$8,000 on average, aligners represent a comparable expense. However, there are no additional costs beyond retainers associated with aligners as there often are with periodic wire changes, rubber bands, and specialized brackets with braces.

The three best types of invisible orthodontic braces – Riverside Dental Spa

Most major dental insurances cover the cost of braces or a portion thereof. Coverage for clear aligners varies more widely but some providers do contribute partially to the cost. CareCredit also offers financing options to break up aligner payments over time for those interested.

Potential Drawbacks to Be Aware Of

While invisible aligners avoid some downsides of braces, there are still important considerations to be aware of:

  • Results may be slower with milder continuous pressure versus braces. Commitment to strict wearing protocols is essential.

  • Aligners must be removed for eating which makes flossing and brushing teeth more important to prevent decay between trays.

  • Since aligners are removable, non-compliance in wearing can prolong treatment or lead to relapse requiring tweaks.

  • Treatment may require additional aligners or refinements to achieve ideal results depending on case complexity.

  • Some individuals experience more discomfort when changing between aligners due to more forceful adjustments.

  • Trays can break or become lost more easily than fixed braces requiring replacements.

With proper diligence, most potential issues can be mitigated under the guidance of an experienced orthodontist. But clear communication is still vital to manage expectations for aligner results.

The Future of Clear Aligner Treatment

As technology progresses, aligner therapy will likely continue advancing as well. Areas like 3D imaging and manufacturing techniques are refining to allow for even more precise tooth movements.

New aligner materials may debut that apply lighter and more constant forces on teeth for faster outcomes. Integrating aligners with other types of auxiliary orthodontic devices is an ongoing area of research and development too.

Meanwhile, teledentistry services are empowering patients to start alignments remotely from a doctor’s initial digital assessment and monitoring. At-home impression kits streamline the onboarding process further.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, invisible aligners will undoubtedly dominate orthodontic treatments for adults and an increasing portion of adolescents desiring discreet cosmetic improvements. As awareness grows, they are on track to become the new standard of care for most mild to moderate malocclusions.

In summary, clear aligners represent a breakthrough alternative to braces for straightening teeth. When performed by an experienced provider, they deliver subtle yet impactful improved aesthetics and function with minimal disruption to ordinary daily activities. With commitment from the patient, results resemble braces with the considerable bonus of invisibility.